Register for the additional activities when you buy your event tickets or by using the links below.
In an era defined by technological innovation and interconnectedness, the landscape of professional beauty is undergoing profound transformations. Experience a convergence of insights and strategies aimed at navigating the evolving beauty landscape with precision and agility.
From harnessing the power of neuroselling to mastering the art and science of storytelling, our lineup of speakers promises actionable takeaways to elevate your business and increase sales. Be prepared to gain valuable insights and forge meaningful 连接s. This must-attend event offers a thought-provoking keynote topics, 行业的见解, and abundant opportunities to connect with the leaders in beauty.
TOPIC: AI Passport: Driving Connection and Elevating Relationships in this New World
In today’s unpredictable landscape, your competitive edge is collaboration. 在这个授权中, 前瞻性的讨论, Shane goes beyond the hype and speculation to reveal a fundamental truth: In today’s unpredictable landscape, community and relationships are what will set you apart.
新的颠覆性商业模式, 新的灵活工作安排, new tech-fueled innovation are all part of the future of work. Shifting perceptions of entrepreneurship and moving beyond tech-fueled competition, 谢恩帮助公司重新聚焦, 贯通, 提升他们的影响力.
TOPIC: Neurocommunication – The Science Behind World Class Customer Experience
杰夫将带你领略一段史诗, experiential journey of decision-making science meets practical customer conversation applications.
Most people communicate with their customers using the wrong information, 以错误的方式, 在错误的时间, 而且顺序是错的. 在这个主题演讲中, 杰夫研究复杂的生物学课题, 心理学, and physiology and simplifies them into an experiential learning program that leaves you 激励d and motivated to change the way you communicate forever.
蒂芙尼Shlain will share how turning off screens one day a week can work wonders on your brain, body, 和灵魂. 做了十多年的练习, this Internet pioneer and renowned filmmaker has gained more time, 生产力, 连接, 和存在. Drawn from the ancient ritual of Shabbat, living 24/6 can work for anyone from any background. 带着幽默和智慧, Shlain分享了她的故事, 提供她所学到的教训, and provides a blueprint for how to do it yourself.
Join us for an exhilarating round of golf at our highly anticipated tournament, back for its second year after receiving rave reviews in 2023! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting into the swing of things, 这次活动预示着一天的友好竞争, 网络的机会, 在果岭上留下难忘的回忆.
连接 & 集合
Looking for more time to meet during the 执行峰会? 请在周一下午加入我们的连接 & 收藏:网络午餐和汽车展示. 事件发生在一个高级, 独特的, private museum that offers a world-class classic automobile collection along with displays of rare antiques, 纪念品和定制设计的珠宝.
下午12时至2时30分:接驳 & 集合: Networking Luncheon and Classic Car Showcase*
5:30 – 7:00 PM: Registration and Welcome Reception
上午8:30 - 9:30:早餐
9:30 AM – 12:30 PM: Keynote and Industry Presentations
下午12:30 - 1:45:午餐
1:45 PM – 4:30 PM: Keynote and Industry Presentations
Secure your room at this beautiful 4-star hotel in Phoenix, Arizona. The Arizona Biltmore has been a favorite vacation retreat to US Presidents and movie stars since 1929, while also being one of the few hotels designed by legendary American architect, 弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特.
LBBET乐博房价: $369/夜加税*
*Hotel reservations must accompany a LBBET乐博 执行峰会 ticket reservation. Any hotel room reservations without a corresponding ticket reservation will be canceled.
The LBBET乐博 执行峰会 is attended by top manufacturers, 分销商, 沙龙 & 水疗业主和行业领导者. The summit is a mix of networking and future-focused content designed to unite and move our industry forward. LBBET乐博了解更多信息!